13th Annual Health Survey 2025
The Annual Health Survey (AHS), launched in 2010, aims to analyze and evaluate the health and fitness levels of children in schools across India.

12th Annual Health Survey 2024
The Annual Health Survey (AHS) was launched 14 years ago to understand the overall health and fitness levels of children in private schools.

Position Paper- PathwayZ Talent For The Future
Sportz Village presents ‘PathwayZ – Talent for the Future’ that delves into the critical aspects of nurturing and empowering our young athletes.

Impact of COVID on Children’s Health
The Covid-19 Pandemic saw the nationwide closure of schools and educational institutes. This meant children lost access to playgrounds and sports infrastructure at schools…

Re-introducing Sport and Physical Education – A Guide
With the end of the pandemic in sight schools across the country are looking to restart operations and…

School shutdowns and the lack of physical education and sports have drastically impacted children’s health.
In March of 2020, all the schools and educational institutes were closed nationwide due the Covid-19 pandemic…

National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 – Using Physical Education and Sports as pedagogical tools
National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 – ‘Playing to Win’ Background: The National Education Policy 2020 which was apporved by the Union Cabinet in..

Can Screen Time be good for children?
Both parents and school leaders alike rightly see this as a cause for concern and want to reduce the duration of screen
time that a child consumes…

Keeping Children Active During COVID-19 Lockdown – a novel look at physical education and sports in schools
The world is facing an unprecedented situation due to COVID 19, a “black-swan” event that has affected life in an unforeseen manner. The situation has ensured “lockdowns” in…

Keeping Children Healthy & Safe During The Outbreak
Over the past few months, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced nations & communities across the globe to reevaluate the existing norms of social behaviors and economic activities…

Is Physical Education and Sports in Schools failing ? – 1 in 2 children do not have a healthy BMI
Sportz Village’s Annual Health Survey (AHS) was launched 10 years ago to understand the overall health and fitness

Health of Indian Children attending government schools is alarmingly low – How a lack of structured physical education and sports education programs is harming children.
Fitness of children in India’s government schools are alarmingly low according to Sportz Village’s Annual Health Survey. The nation-wide study…

Sports is Education
Sports is Education SMBM National Public School introduces an innovative learning methodology by combining sports and academics…

9th Annual Health Survey – Why we need to improve physical education and sports education in schools.
Sportz Village Schools’ Annual Health Survey was launched 9 years ago to understand the overall health and fitness levels of children in schools…

School Play: Insource or Outsource?
Schools today are knowledge hubs which need to provide everything as a part of education which would help children realize their true calling and…

Investments in Sports for Schools – How much is too much?
Educational institutes across the globe have been trying to integrate sports as part of f their core education process, with the objective of offering an inclusive…

Importance of Physical Education in Schools
Sports and Games, including indoor and outdoor games and athletics, are important for success in every walk of life. First of all, sports and games…

8th Annual Health Survey
The nationwide study covered 1, 02, 838 children in the age group of7 to 18 years from 252 schools across 86 cities in 26 states…

7th Annual Health Survey
EduSports’ Annual Health Survey is India’s first ever national health and fitness survey for school children. We conduct this survey to understand the overall health…

How we got 500 schools to play?
How we got 500 schools to play – The inside story We wanted to get children to play. As simple as that. But it took us 6 years, multiple business models…

6th Annual Health Survey
6th Annual Health Survey The 6th Annual Health and Fitness Survey, conducted by EduSports, India’s largest school sports are displaying alarming standards…

Skilling Asia
Skilling Asia Asia, with a population of over 4 billion, accounts for approximately 56% of the world’s population. With an average age of 29 years, about 64%…

Role of Sports in Development of Special Children
Role of Sports in Development of Special Children Do sports have a positive impact on the development of special children? While it is believed that physical…

Let The Kiddies Play!
Let The Kiddies Play! Physical activity and play comes naturally to children. And if it is constantly reinforced that these are positive experiences it will develop a…

5th Annual Health Survey
The current generation of school children in India, regardless of age group or gender, look to be heading towards an unhealthy future with health…

Are you a ‘Holistic’ teacher?
Are you a ‘Holistic’ teacher? As schools across the country have started focusing more and more on holistic development of the children in their schools…

4th Annual Health Survey
Regardless of age group, gender, region or city type, the current generation of school going children in India face an unhealthy future…

‘Out-dooring’ the assessments
Assessment is the process of documenting, usually in measurable terms, knowledge and skills of a particular area…

3rd Annual Health Survey
“The 3rd Edition of the EduSports School Health and Fitness Survey covering 49000+ children from over 100 schools revealed that..

2nd Annual Health Survey
As many as 61% of school children in India do not possess adequate skills to engage in sport, says the 2nd annual EduSports in-school…

1st Annual Health Survey
“Obesity setting in earlier than the adolescence phase – according to a pioneering survey on physical fitness of urban school children…